The largest beard festival in the United States!
The Best in the West Beard Festival is for everyone. From vendors to the world famous beard competition there is fun to be had by all who attend. We try to add something different every year, just to keep things exciting. Last year we added Peach Fuzz City, a kids area, it was a blast!
All proceeds from T.B.I.T.W.B.F. go directly to The Altruistic American. TAA's mission is to provide free or low cost mental health facilities and resources to our Northern Nevada communities begins with the funding we gain from our events and donations.
Volunteer to help out at one of our events. Just send us an email and we will get you all set up.
Business Beards. From stubble to 3" maximum.
Full Beards from 3"-6" in length.
Full Beards from 6"-12" in length
Full Beards over 12"
General - Styled or natural
Full beard, any length with a styled stache
Partial beards, Chops, Whalers and more.
Dreadlocks, men and women, doesn't need to be facial hair
Braids, men and women, doesn't have to be facial hair
Kids craft beards
Realistic whiskerina
Craft whiskerina
Goatee any length
Freestyle, full and partial beards
Best in show chosen from the 1st place winners of each category
Ticket pricing and tiers coming beginning of 2025!
The main festival grounds will be free to attend.
Main concert will be a ticketed event.
Secondary stage will be free, hosting live music each day of the festival.
The Festival is an all ages, family friendly event, the little ones are welcome to attend the festival so long as they are supervised by an adult.
If you would like to volunteer please reach out to TAA through our contact us page.
We always have a plethora of vendors to choose from, make sure you have time to check all of them out. If you would like to vend at the event please contact TAA through our contact us page and we will send you the vendor packet.
We will have a full lineup of live music, stay up to date on our lineup by following us on social media!
50/50 Raffle, Make sure to get your tickets, $5 a tickets or $20 for 5.
Live Auction, we will have multiple items that will be auctioned off live on stage.
Multiple food trucks will be in attendance to fulfill almost any craving you might have while enjoying yourself at the festival!
Multiple bars, great selection and most importantly we will have reasonable pricing!!!
You will be able to register for the 2024 B.I.T.W.B.F. soon! Make sure to follow us on Social Media and subscribe to our monthly-ish news letter so you don't miss a thing TAA related!
All facial hair must be your natural growing hair, you can not use fiber fillers, extensions, fake beards, wigs etc.
The only exception for this rule is during the Kid's and Women's categories, see below.
To qualify for a natural category you must meet the requirements of that category along with the basic rules of entry for the event.
1 - Have at least 20 natural strands of hair in the categorical area for which you want to compete.
2 - Classify and measure up at the registration desk, the classification and measurement will be completed by and up to the discretion of the registration official(s).
3 - Inspection of hair to ensure it is natural may be required, failure to comply will result in you not being able to register or compete with no refund.
4 - All qualifying and classification decisions are up to the registration official(s).
5 - All genders, races, religions etc. are welcome and encouraged to compete in any category they qualify for.
The Kid's and Women's categories are the only ones with different rules and regulations.
Kid's and women are allowed to use fake hair, extensions, fake beards, makeup/paint etc. to create a beard. You can bring your own or make one at our beard making table (free with paid contestant entry).
The only restriction is your own imagination.
Note - Kids(-18) and Women may enter any of the categories that we offer so long as that categories regulations are met.
Judging will be conducted in 4 areas with a possibility of 10 points per area and a total score possibility of up to 40 points.
Size/Health (overall length, width and fullness, pretty self explanatory!) - 10 points possible
Quality (symmetry, cut and shape, get trimmed up!) - 10 points possible
Design/Style (State of the facial hair, at the very least, brush it out!) - 10 points possible
Grandeur (How well do you wear the facial hair, get creative with your persona this area is about more than just your facial hair, dress to impress) - 10 points possible
All judges are asked to take an oath to be unbiased and fair.
In the event of a tie, ties will be broken by the crowds reaction.
Any competitor that is a no show when their name or number is called for competition will forfeit their appearance and no refund will be issued.
Please remember, this is a charity event and we are all here to have a good time while helping our communities at the same time. Any and all forms of unbeardsman like conduct (bullying, fighting, arguing etc.) will result in your forfeiture of any and all entries to the competition as well as removal from the festival premises. No refunds will be issued if you are removed from the competition or event due to the rules not being followed.
The event organizers and judges can change and or manipulate the rules and or guidelines at any time without warning. All decisions made by the event organizers, officials and judges are final. No refunds will be rewarded due to a discrepancy with an official decision made by an event organizer, official or judge.
By registering for the competition, all competitors give their permission to the organizers and to the organizers’ affiliates that the competitors may be photographed, videotaped, recorded and further that the organizers and their affiliates may use the photographs, video tapes, and audio tapes of the competitor for any purpose including commercial purposes.
The Tap Wagon has been by our side for the past 5 years and continues to be a pillar of support for TAA! No matter the occasion Cody is always there to offer his generosity and help!!!
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